“Not a fan” is a popular Christian book written by Pastor Kyle Idleman. Its growing popularity demanded a Polish edition and a website with information about the book and additional resources. The project demanded it be built from scratch and based on the original American version.
MYN worked closely with the Polish publisher to design the website based on the brand guidelines provided. The goal was to inform about the book as well as increase sales by redirecting the users to an external ecommerce site.
The website uses a Content Management system so that the client can easily add new resources that are published. The main elements of the website are video players placed on the top presenting ideas behind different aspects of the book and information about resources.
media you need is an interactive agency that exists to help businesses and organizations maximize their online potential and extend their reach.
MEDIA YOU NEED sp. z o.o.
Koscierzyna (Poland, EU)
NIP: PL5911697698
REGON: 362918602
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